隆雪华青“机票津贴回砂投票”名额开放予所有砂合格选民 Air Ticket Subsidy is opened for All Sarawak Eligible Voters
隆雪华青日前提供100 份 RM 200 的机票津贴予欲回乡投票的砂拉越选民。本团接获公众回馈后,决定把名额开放予所有砂拉越合格选民。
有兴趣申请者,请点击链接: https://bit.ly/undisarawak_klscahyouth ,申请者也需要提交身份证、银行户头资料和往返机票收据的证明。本团对此项回乡投票机票津贴的决定(包括津贴名单)为最终决定,一切投诉将不受理。
任何疑问,欢迎电邮 [email protected] 询问。
KLSCAH Youth recently provided RM 200 Air Ticket Subsidy to Sarawak voters who want to return to their hometown to cast their votes.
After receiving feedback from the public, we have decided to open the air ticket subsidy to all eligible voters. We hereby urge the Sarawakian voters to seize the opportunity of the air ticket subsidy and return to hometown to cast
To apply, please submit the following: a softcopy of your MyKad IC, bank details, and a proof of a return-trip flight booking to the following link, https://bit.ly/undisarawak_klscahyouth
KLSCAH Youth’s decision on all matters relating to the “Air Ticket Subsidy for Sarawak Voters” (including the subsidy list) shall be final. Any complaints will not be entertained.
For further inquiries, please contact [email protected].